“KNOW” featured at this year’s Gen Art Vanguard Fair is an exhibition comprised of many inspired artisans that represent a diverse cross section of the fine art world. All of the work has been created specifically for the “KNOW” exhibition and hopes to introduce you to emerging and known talent who have no fear when incorporating digital painting, mixed media, comics, traditional painting, rendering and photographic styles into their work. Click here to download the latest price list.

Xiaoqing Ding : 9" x 10" Chinese Watercolor on Silk : "Lover's Boat"

“KNOW” is an invitation to discover the unexpected and closely analyze the eclectic pairing of such a diverse grouping of artists. Murphy Fine Art Editions is working hard to post this exhibition prior to the show dates of December Fourth through the Seventh. Enjoy.

Jennybird Alcantara describes,”In my work I like to explore the complex interconnectedness of opposites as seen through the prism of myth, fable and fantasy. Visually my paintings have an initial sweetness, you first see the palette, this is the sugar coating, 'the spoon full of sugar that helps the medicine go down'. Once you enter the painting that's where the sweetness gives way to a darker side, the brutality and decay lying quietly beneath beauty and nature, that of the natural world as well as human nature. I am interested in what is 'underneath the pretty', I am trying to dig that stuff up and the character in the painting is the medium revealing those bits of flesh and bone.” Jennybird has created, “Treasure,” oil on wood painting that defines the above statement. Check out more of Jennybird’s paintings and dolls at http://www.jennybirdart.com (S)

Artist/gallery curator David "Netherland" van Alphen lives and works in Chicago, Illinois. Though David's family was from Holland, he was born in Toronto, and has been in Chicago over the past eight years. Being a child of the 70's has influenced him greatly and is reflected in his latest painting assembly, “Boarders.” Juxtaposing images, his color choices and the new modern context comes through his nostalgic imagery and helps to isolate and enhance them. David has shown at many galleries throughout the U.S. and sold out his first solo show this past January. Check out David’s gallery and fine art works at www.dvagallery.com (S)

Ana Bagayan celebrates a love for drawing while balancing her subjects on a tight rope of surrealistic bliss with a twist. Ana’s earlier work delivered devilish characters that evolved out of a Children’s Fairytale gone astray. Today, Ana is working on a series of paintings and drawings, entitled “Orphans.” Ana’s seventy seventh “Orphan” is entitled, “Cindy.” “Won’t you give her a home?” Visit www.anabagayan.com and check out all of Ana’s extensive works in progress. (S)

Robert Bellm is a Seattle based artist, who enjoys living in the northwest surrounded by the Cascade and Olympic mountains. Robert produces art based on subject matter that calls attention and challenges him to try to understand it. Robert’s paintings are further interpretations of his mind’s analysis, as you can see in his latest entitled, “Guarded.” Check out more of Robert Bellm’s birds and orchids at www.robertbellm.com

Jonathan Bergeron describes his art work as fine lowbrow art inspired by his upbringing in Montreal celebrating his skateboard while looking for cool punk rock album covers. You may have heard of “Johnny Crap,” a nickname provided by his band mates who infamously celebrate punk jam sessions in the comfort of his garage. Jonathan's latest is entitled, "2 Wheel Truck," check out www.johnnycrap.com (S)

Cathie Bleck was recently featured at the Butler Institute of American Art in Ohio and the New Britain Museum of American Art in Connecticut museums this year. Cathie’s busy schedule promotes a dedication the scratchboard arts, a unique canvas, much like woodblock printing or engraving. “Course of the Horse,” is a representation of the United States and the historic path, “My piece reflects the change in the course of our history and what we are asked to ponder at present. The horse bucks, as many sit, ambivalent and seeing only what they want to see. And of course, the sting will come.” (See the bee?) As a companion piece, Cathie created, "Possibilities," a lyrical painting about hope and positive movement. You can check out more of Cathie Bleck’s great work by visiting www.cathiebleck.com (Course of the Horse S)

Jonathan Boam writes, “After messing up at school i went to Chesterfield to study art then onto Leeds to study graphic arts and design. I have worked in many jobs over the years and travelled far and wide working and volunteering along the way and always, no matter where I was or what job I found myself in, I made time to draw. At the moment I work as a care worker/support worker and do my artwork in my spare time, I have recently had artwork in the Islands Fold exhibition in Copenhagen…” Jonathan features, “Yes we in the shit,” a sad depiction of an environmental disaster. Check out more of Jonathan’s goodness at http://jonboam.blogspot.com

Brandon Boyd is a singer, songwriter (Incubus) who is a forever-morphing artist and possessed by a non-stop creative pulse. With two self-published books, “White, Fluffy Clouds” and “From the Murks of the Sultry Abyss,” Brandon spring boarded his first solo art exhibition in Los Angeles earlier this year. Brandon’s painting, “A Daughter’s Last Song,” is the last in a series of photo paintings created for the “Ectoplasm installation.” As Brandon rummages through antique shops looking for bits and pieces of inspiration, he stumbled upon this train conductor, adding pen, ink and marker musings. For more about Brandon and his artistic endeavors, please visit www.brandonboydbooks.com (S)

Katherine M. Brannock currently working full time as a graphic designer, but hell bent on eventually publishing her own stories and illustrations. The End. www.belfastcircle.com

Calef Brown is an imaginative artist and writer who has exhibited in galleries, published in magazines and has created several internationally acclaimed children’s books. Flamingos on the Roof, the latest in his series of acclaimed children's books, debuted at #1 on the New York Times bestsellers list. Calef’s painting is entitled, “The Featherless Seer” and you can see more of his imaginative works at http://www.calefbrown.com/

Ryan Bubnis’ clean yet chaotic style has been described as “urban folk.” Through his paintings, he comments on themes relating to the human condition. Vibrant, abstracted shapes and faces radiate joy and optimism while they float in and out of rich, multi-layered realms. Ryan’s painting, entitled, ““Whatever You Want It To Be, That’s What It Is,” moves with texture. You can see more of Ryan’s works at www.ryanbubnis.com

“Resurrection,” by Marc Burckhardt is an acrylic and oil painting on wood panel, inspired by rebirth, the Renaissance and modern circumstance. Marc, who spent much time in Germany, growing up, is heavily influenced by the dark visions of Flemish painters and German folklore. Marc has been featured in Juxtapoz and Communication Arts. Marc’s tightly rendered painting style will be on display during Miami Art Basel and www.marcart.net

Chris Buzelli celebrates his love for nature, history and childhood in his oil paintings. Chris balances scenic backdrops with dynamic characters, conjuring feelings from a bygone era, as he explains, “Somewhere in between this world and one inhabited by gigantic beasts and sea creatures.” Chris' work compliments the “soul” capturing moments of personal relationships and oddly familiar memories. Chris has created two paintings for KNOW entitled, "Abracadabra" and "Harblinger." You can check out more of Chris Buzelli's work at http://www.chrisbuzelli.com

Ray Caesar invites you to enter into his world where art captures dreams for those who do not know how to sleep away life’s circumstances. Ray is a prolific digital painter who creates lush landscapes filled with fantastical images of otherworldly children--safe havens created for his subjects based on his experiences while working at a Children’s Hospital in Toronto. Ray created a one-of-a-kind (Edition 1/1) portrait entitled, “Fireflies.” Check out more of Ray’s imaginative work at www.raycaesar.com (S)

Luke Chueh’s (pronounced CHU), “Screwed” is a 10” x 10” acrylic and ink painting that represents a continuation of his animal character series. Employing minimal color schemes, simple animal characters, and a seemingly endless list of ill-fated situations, Chueh stylistically balances cute with brute, walking the fine line between comedy and tragedy. You can see more of Luke’s work at www.lukechueh.com (S)

Dave Chung’s work portrays the similarities we all deal with when it comes to dealing with our emotions, no matter how different we may be on the outside. Although his subjects generally deal with humiliation or some other type of anguish, they are generally shown in a light hearted and humorous way suggesting, “we have all been down that road before,” and if not, “we know exactly how it would be like if we did.” David’s latest painting is entitled, “A Cupcake Monster is STILL a Monster." See more of David’s work at

Robert Connett celebrates dream sequences, as he defines: “I often think that dreams may be the gateway to another world. Perhaps a parallel world just as important as the waking world we call ‘reality?’ ” Robert is a kind artist who offers you a sincere honesty about life’s lessons and his spiraled path to pursue his life long passion. KNOW is proud to present 4 masterful canvases created specifically for KNOW: "SUPPLICANT."AFS 1," "EMPATHICS" and "(Alternative Fuel Source #1)."

Robert Connett features one large painting, 24” x 24” featured in the exhibition entitled, “Crustaceapods, (C-Pods),” which is one part of an ongoing series, “Microbia.” Check out Robert’s work at http://www.rsConnett.com

Molly Crabapple is an artist, author, and the creator of Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School. Molly has worked with the Museum of Sex, depraved New York nightclubs, and Kiasma Museum in Helsinki. Her work is saucy Victoriana, with the devil hidden in the details. Molly’s latest painting is a self-portrait entitled, “Self-Portrait.” You can learn more about Molly by visiting www.mollycrabapple.com (S)

Amy Crehore paints mysterious dream worlds from her imagination. Amy’s latest painting is entitled, “The Song of the Firefly” features an iconic nude girl playing a ukulele under glass in the spotlight of a firefly. Amy has exhibited her oil paintings in galleries and museums from coast to coast and has been published in a variety of different magazines. Amy is currently working on a Feb. 2009 solo show which will combine her love of old music and visual storytelling. Check out more of Amy’s great works at http://www.amycrehore.com (S)

Rob Day is an artist experienced in creating conceptual images and custom portraits for the corporate, advertising, editorial, publishing and entertainment industries. Rob is a Creative Renewal Fellow sponsored the Arts Council of Indianapolis and a collection of his work was recently exhibited at The Indianapolis Art Center. Rob’s delicate oil painting is entitled, “Nymph of Spring,” is a testament to his lifelong dedication and eye for subtle detail. See more of Rob’s fine art at www.robday.com (S)

Brian Despain describes his artistic passion, “It was the time I spent, like the kid at the kitchen table, creating art for no other reason than sheer wonder of it all, that I was happiest. No matter the piece or the end result it’s the art that we do for ourselves that wholly reflects us as people. It is that art which is purest, it is that art which holds the most magic, it is that art which connects on the deepest level and it is that art that this site is all about.” Brian complimented one of his signature robotic characters with, “Haunting.” See more of Brian’s wide variety of work that captures an innovative style at http://despainart.com/

Xiaoqing Ding, originally from Beijing, China, is an artist inspired by her history who combines eight years of study in Beijing (traditional Asian Arts) with her recent exposure to American culture. Xiaoqing’s painting, “March 3rd,” is a beautiful and captivating mix of old world technique and modern subject matter. Xiaoquing draws upon ancient Greek and Chinese mythology and magical fairy tales. You can see more of Xiaoqing’s masterful paintings at http://www.myspace.com/xiaoqingd (S)

Leslie Ditto is a self-taught artist currently residing in Alabama due to an illness in the family. She has emerged on the scene with her provocative oil paintings and sculptures that are a reflection of how she views the world and the political, religious, and social dynamics of our day. She uses symbolism and strong imagery to relay her beliefs and emotions to the viewer in hopes that her test for an echo will be a success. Leslie has created a 2 panel piece entitled, “Dirty Pink Desire.” See more of Leslie’s fine art at www.leslieditto.com (S)

Nick Mann is an artist in Oakland who is nicknamed “Doodles.” Doodles draws from his influences including: the Pacific Northwest, traveling, animals, graffiti, small towns, large towns, and underwater creatures. Doodles' work can be found in the streets of London, New York city, San Francisco, Seattle, Sweden, France, Ireland and Italy. Doodles is a resident artist at the collaborative group, Islands Fold and has created a painting entitled, “Wise Wolves.” Check more about Doodles at www.flickr.com/nickmann and dropping his name in Google.

Gérard DuBois is a French artist who lives and works in Montreal. Fortunately Gérard ‘s work has been published in national magazines and exhibited in the USA, Canada and France over the past 14 years. Gérard ‘s work is collected by Rolling Stone, Stephen King, Guillermo Del Toro...and his latest painting,”Afterlife” is featured in KNOW and available for acquisition. Gérard is a delicate painter who can be found at www.gdubois.com

P-Jay Fidler's body of work reflects a heady amalgam of artistic influences: including naturalism, surrealism, popular illustration and graphic design. P-Jay’s complex paintings predominantly address the transformative nature of human experience—becoming all at once, alienating and inviting. P-Jay features a mixture of adolescent archetypes and dark psychological aspects of the human condition, often surreal, ambiguous, and yet very much familiar. Check out P-Jay’s new painting "a memorial to mortality as we all become one" and see more of his work at www.pjfidler.com

AJ Fosik is a builder and master assembler of little wooden parts that make up large constructions of lions, tigers and bears. AJ is most defiantly an original who was recently featured at the Laguna Art Museum in an exhibition that celebrated the “Low Brow” art movement. AJ defines, “The ********* is a symbol of everything that makes America great. Straightforward, egalitarian, substantial, and good-natured, it is also a little bloody at times.” See more of AJ’s work with a little help from Google and http://www.myspace.com/aaaajaaaay

Andrew Foster created, “They Will Never Believe,” an oil on canvas painting. Andrew’s subject matter is a constant evolution of inspired story telling through satirical renderings of the All-American myth. Many of Andrew’s characters are uncouth pinups, aging superheroes and the rumpled businessman. You can visit Andrew’s great work at www.andrewmfoster.net

Ken Garduno was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Ken graduated with honors from Art Center College of Design and has been working as an artist ever since. Ken’s work has been exhibited across the United States and internationally. Like many artists who forge new ground and wander endlessly, Ken practices the study of nature, people, good food and how all three interact along the way. You can see more of Ken’s work, including his KNOW show painting, “Production,”at http://www.kengarduno.com

Regino Gonzales, AKA "RG," is a multi-talented artist who is originally from Manilla. RG works for many of the entertainment and action sports giants, understands the flow and movement of his work and is proud to display an urban influenced style. If you are looking to discover a masterful tattoo artist, RG delivers, along with the rest of his crew at Invisible NYC, one part tattoo studio and one part art gallery. RG's latest, “Afterthoughts,” and you can enjoy more of RG's work at http://regnyc.com/

Keith Warren Greiman is an artist who lives in Philadelphia, Keith’s latest mixed media painting, "the sirens of fort sumter" celebrates his love of fantastical beasts and other worldly creatures with human qualities. Keith celebrates the human condition through images of mystical lands, walking cats and most notably, sword play. When all else fails, it’s good to know you can just hold hands.

Moira Hahn celebrates the mythology of Persian miniatures, Tibetan Thanka paintings, Japanese Ukiyo-e prints, Indian animal drawings and Chinese guardian figures. Moira paints rich watercolors inspired by the Japanese Masters. Moira’s most recent work, “Staycation II/Bring Back the Coral,” celebrates the Eastern tradition of visual storytelling and provides an intimate look into Moira’s love for mentoring and teaching. Learn more about Moira and check out her watercolor collection at http://www.moirahahn.com

Robert Hardgrave is a self-developed artist, Robert Hardgrave, creates work both highly intricate and abundant with personal symbols. Inspired by experiences from disease and recovery, his paintings and drawings reflect ideas of reincarnation and the richness of life beyond death. A Seattle resident for the past 16 years, Robert has exhibited nationally and internationally and currently features, a 10" x 10" acrylic and ink on canvas entitled, "Beckon." Check out all of Robert’s works at www.farmerbobsfarm.com/ (S)

Ryan Heshka pays homage to the “Golden” era of Scifi Pulp on a prolific scale. Being born into a low-tech era, Ryan often explores narrative themes of "mad scientist's" gone wrong. In celebration of this continued horror, Ryan's latest acrylic and collage painting entitled, “Doctors Stories,” compliments his thematic stance nicely. You can see more of Ryan's work on the pages of “BLAB,” gallery installations and at www.ryanheshka.com (S)

Hiroshi Hirakawa is a master watercolorist who adds a visual language, (editorialized interpretation), in celebration of traditional Japanese watercolor painting. Hiroshi decorates his central figures with delicate storytelling through tattoos, detailed color shifts and masterful color blends. Hiroshi created a beautiful painting from Japan, where he lives and paints full time. You can see a brilliant collection of work at http://www.myspace.com/hiroshihirakawa

Jason Jacenko is a tattooist who has been developing his painting skills since the early 90s. Jason loves creating, whether a sculpture, computer animation, vinyl sculpts or collaborative ventures. Jason describes, “For me the process is an escape into a weird and wonderfully world where the impossible is possible a place I can feel happy in even on the darkest of days. Staying true to myself I've found that its easy for these feelings to flow though to viewer give them a brief glimpse into my world and on the odd occasion a smile too…” Jason has exhibited around the globe and features, “fishrider” in KNOW. Check out more of Jason’s imaginative works at http://jasonjacenko.deviantart.com/

Levon Jihanian has created a portrait of his Dungeons and Dragons character, “Drizzle Deukmajian, Secretary of the Treasury.” “Drizzle was born in a sprawling cavern city in the Underdark of Thalindor. From an early age he cultivated the manners of an asshole and the archery skills of a master hunter. He left the Underdark at the young age of 55 to pursue a career in slavemongery.His subjugation of the Gnomes is well known in certain regions of the surface world. In the last year, Drizzle has switched career paths once again into the field of raiding, adventuring and mercenary work. He has 5825 experience points. And: Level 5 Drow Elf Ranger, worshipper of the goddess Lolth 15 Strength, 11 Constitution, 18 Dexterity, 12 Intelligence, 14 Wisdom, 12 Charisma.” Check out more of Levon’s work a www.levonjihanian.com

Ron Job delivers “Cowboy,” the result of watching Stanley Kubrick's “The Shining” a few too many times. “I have always been inspired by his visual sense and the iconic image of the twins in that hallway, something I knew I had to address at some point. That being said, most of my work is enigmatic, even to me. On some level everything, I suppose, means something, but I find that most of the power of art, of any kind, comes from the mystery of it. . .In my mind, the truly interesting things in life are the questions, not the answers.” You can check more of Ron’s digital works at www.myspace at myspace.com/rpjob (1/10 Sold)

Dan Kennedy is a Toronto based fine artist who consistently features dynamically charged pop culture, history and science icons in his paintings. Dan’s paintings celebrate the fine art of visual storytelling and he has been recently featured in the Peel Museum, Canada and “Juxtapoz” magazine. Dan’s painting is entitled, “Rock Story,” and celebrates his upcoming series of paintings, “The Geology Songbook." Check out more of Dan’s great works (many of which are large installations), at www.dankennedy.ca (S)

Donald Kilpatrick III recently created artwork for the book, “ You Can’t go to School Naked” by Dianne Billstrom. Don continually creates artwork for books and motion picture clients, and was involved in the design of the Olympic medal for the Winter Games in Salt Lake City. Don lives in Michigan with his family and teaches at the College for Creative Studies in Detroit. Check out http://www.donkilpatrick.com

Kristine Evans is the creative spirit also known as KINOKO. Kristine is a resident artist at the collaborative group, Islands Fold. KINOKO celebrates all of the good things in life, and not only is she a beautiful human being, she's also a super talented d.j and artist. KINOKO describes, “Kinoko is love making the arts. Fluo Pow! Meow Meow Meow.” “Proven” is featured at this year’s KNOW exhibition and you can see more at http://kinokogallery.com

KMNDZ aka Johnny Rodriguez began drawing for his kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Silvia who he describes, “Soooo hot.” Johnny is an all around creative guy who understands the business of design, while pursuing his passion for painting and dimensional assembly. KMNDZ’s latest installation, “Red Forest” sold out, and was a great testament to his design understanding and development as a painter. Mr. KMNDZ delivers a two panel art piece, entitled "NVR FRGT," and it is handsomely framed. Check out more of Johnny’s prolific works at http://kmndz.blogspot.com/

Zane Kozak is a digital painter who has created a limited edition 1/10, entitled, “New Neanderthal.” Zane offers a glimpse into his fictional world, “Like most of my art I am interested in presenting a narrative that is comprised of artifacts, captured moments, and fragments of history or fictional history. The art work presents the components of this story like a geological dig for the viewer to discern rather than guiding them through a liner narrative. The more they uncover the clearer their own impressions may become.” You can see more of Zane's work by visiting http://www.zanekozak.com (S)

KuKula is a figurative painter who celebrates fashion, painting and a sensitive approach to her delicate style of visual storytelling. “The figures in KuKula's paintings wear their heartaches on their sleeves. They are delicate but resilient dolls buffeted by the crosswinds of the real world...” And, “I approach each painting like it is a page of a travel diary recording the muted hopes, disorientation, or just plain weariness of a lost soul.” Check out Kukula’s works at http://www.kukulaland.com/

Travis Lampe is a Chicago based artist who probes the fun side of anger, despair and misplaced glee with characters who call to mind the early days of noodley, elbow-less animation. Travis has been on exhibition with many galleries from coast to coast over the past few years and has created an acrylic on wood panel piece entitled, “Happy Manufactury” for the KNOW exhibition. Travis originally was an ad/graphic design hand and has self-taught himself a signature style. Take a close look and visit http://www.travislampe.com (S)

Tommii Lim's paintings problematize the paradigms governing the (in)activity of "minority" races and Hollywood against an urban American landscape rife with social, cultural and political challenges. Tommii’s work has captured complacent Asian Americans through characters with unidentifiable faces. Current work places familiar celebrities or other skeletal subjects in unwittingly destructive situations. Tommii’s latest mixed-media piece, "LOL," spotlights society's addiction to technology and idleness as corporations take over. Check out his work and events at www.tommiilim.blogspot.com

Daniel Lim is a caring artist who is developing future artists at Otis College in Los Angeles. Daniel’s painting is entitled, “Sleepless,” while working hard to comple his 1000 painting and drawing series. An impressive collection, that Daniel tirelessly works on in the hopes of producing a book featuring all 1000 paintings and drawings. Check out Daniel’s work at http://www.daniel-lim.com/

Jason Limon has a critical eye for design and typography and frequently uses it in his paintings. San Antonio based, Jason works hard to capture the essence of machines and electronics of old. Jason’s painting entitled, “Origin,” is a testament to machine mixing it up with nature. Check out Jason’s evolution from graphic designer to painter at http://www.limon-art.com

Jen Lobo features 3 paintings in this year’s KNOW exhibition entitled, “Aisha” (white wolf), “ Zulu” (zebra), and “Montana” (white tiger). Jen writes, “Roughly thirty miles north of downtown LA, nestled among the hills of The Angeles National Forest lies the Wildlife Waystation, an exotic wildlife rescue. The Wildlife Waystation {wildlifewaystaion.org } is home to some 400 plus animals, including lions, ligers, tigers, bears, zebras, hyenas, rheas, & wolves. Several months ago I began volunteering at the Wildlife Waystation. The relationship between the animals and their caregivers is an exchange that I find completely inspiring. Relationships like these have become vital to the very existence of some of these species. Human compassion is becoming increasing crucial. This was the inspiration for this latest series of paintings.” Visit Jen Lobo’s work online at www.jenlobo.com

Lola is an artist who paints narrative that initiates a visual forum that communicates intimate stores with deep, hidden and personal meanings. Lola’s latest painting is entitled, “Ana Wintor moves ahead,” where whispers among travelers along the way are only heard by the characters within. Lola currently paints in Los Angeles, non-stop, as the outside world whirls around her. You can discover more about Lola and her latest “the Wondermental” exhibition at the Corey Helford Gallery by visiting http://lolastrangeart.com/

Dan May spends his days (and nights) painting dreamlike environments that transcend space and time. These delightful yet haunting images are often based in personal observations of both human’s and nature’s relationships with each other, blended with a healthy dose of whimsy, fantasy and cautious relevance, as seen in his latest painting, “Wooden Things and All it’s Strings.” Dan has exhibited in galleries throughout the US and abroad and is currently working on his first solo show at Copro/Nason Gallery in February of 2009. Check out more of Dan’s fine works at www.dan-may.com

Brandi Milne is a self-taught artist who makes her own rules and is never confined expectations. Brandi favors playful beauty and sweet innocence and leaves the message up to her viewer. Brandi created two 10” x 10” pieces for this exhibition: “Banana’s Song,” acrylic on wood panel; and a mixed media assembly of antique matchbooks featuring drawn characters and paint, “(Crazy Super) Captain Magic. You can see more of Brandi’s emerging collection at http://www.brandimilne.com/

Mark Murphy continues to explore the politically charged topic of OIL and its direct effect on everything living. The “OIL” series is all about nature turning onto itself, upset that millions of years vested into creating a balanced earth has gone wildly astray as a result of granting “man” life. The delicate balance is forever out of sync and our reliance on fossil fuels will soon be at an end. "OIL Invades You” is testament to this statement. You can check out more, right here or www.murphydesign.com

Joel Nakamura creates a visual narrative with mythological symbols while paying homage to Joseph Campbell. Joel celebrates his heritage with Japanese inspired characters, Ultraman, Godzilla and the nationally celebrated Sumo. Joel is creating a pop-art series that features three paintings. His collection features,"Dohyo-iri" (Sumo Entering ring), "Ki-no- nigare" (In motion—Godzilla) and "Mochi-Kata" (Grasping method), all three painted on a tin canvases. See more of Joel’s fantastical works by visiting www.joelnakamura.com

Andrew Neyer’s “Zoo kids,” is a happy go lucky trip to the zoo gone wrong. Andrew’s unique style of drawing is celebrated in zines entitled, “Space Junk,” “Green Drink,” “Pit Sweat,” “Mind Control” and “Mini Zine.” Andrew is talented, and his unique perspective on life’s challenges will inspire a smile. Andrew’s submission to KNOW is a painted original, when typically, the only way to celebrate his work is to acquire a numbered silk-screen. Check out Andrew’s imaginative collection and printed matter at http://www.andrewneyer.com/

Kathie Olivas continues her “Scavenger” series featuring an oil on wood panel, entitled “Ellie, Blue.” Kathie’s paintings celebrate a post apocalyptic universe filled with mischievous, mutant children. Kathie draws you in with her rich, seductive color and child like tropes only to leave you mystified and perturbed by her disturbing fantasies. Visit www.miserychildren.com and enjoy more of Kathie’s paintings and her collaborative book release with Brandt Peters, “Ghosts and Martyrs.” (S)

"Tattoo Flash No. 5," by Brandt Peters, celebrates his love of character development and film noire animation. Peters' influences are derived from early depression era cartoons, pin ups, spirit photography, circus side-show performers and smiley, yet deviant skeletons. Check out more of Brandt's characters and paintings in his collaborative art book with Kathie Olivas, “Martyrs and Ghosts.” Check out Brandt’s work at www.brandtpeters.com (S)

Hui (Vincent) PK delivers a strong acrylic on panel painting, “Listen.” Originally from Hong Kong, Vincent loves developing his love for dynamic characters and fluid style in his sketchbook. In fact, he created an amazing collection of images that you can view page by page online that represent a diverse storytelling style. You can see more of Vincent’s work at http://www.hardsponge.com/ (S)

Jenn Porreca is a contemporary artist based in San Francisco who finds influence from a combination of mixing Latin and Asian culture of the Philippines, 1900s European folklore, San Francisco Street Art, Manga and Art Nouveau. Jenn creates a delicate world that celebrates modern day folklore as seen in her two paintings entitled, "The Scope” and "Dusk Dawn." Jenn has been recently published in Juxtapoz, Symposium Magazine, The Village Voice, Philippine Star and has been featured in exhibitions around the globe. Check out more of Jenn’s great works at www.jennporreca.com

Luke Ramsey’s drawings and mixed media assemblies are often captured in one-of-a-kind zines. Luke’s latest mixed media creation, “Know Where to Breathe,” is a signature style assembly. Luke's primary creative focus is on Islands Fold, an artist residency created by himself and his partner Angela. Luke has collaborated with over 70 different artists to date and has exhibited in Copenhagen, London, New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Portland, Vancouver and Taipei. You can learn more by visiting www.islandsfold.com (S)

Ekundayo Reid is originally from Hawaii, and is currently working on multiple murals, and artist exhibitions. Ekundayo is a Nigerian name that means sorrow becomes joy a title that is befitting of his work as seen in his KNOW exhibition painting, entitled, “The Holy Trinity.” Ekundayo recently celebrated a sold out installation in his show, “Red Forest.” You can catch up with Ekundayo at http://ekundayo.com/

Robert “RELAX” Reiling created an urban inspired painting, “.” RELAX is dedicated to positively representing the Los Angeles graffiti art movement, culture, and phenomena. In addition to securing the personal narratives of graffiti artists on the pages of his publication,“The History of Los Angeles Graffiti Art,” he continues to secure legal wall space around Los Angeles for active graffiti artists looking to introduce their positive vision and unique painting skills. You can learn more about RELAX and his grafitti archive at www.thehistoryoflosangelesgraffitiart.com

Mark Ryden came to preeminence in the 1990’s during a time when many artists, critics and collectors were quietly championing a return to the art of painting. With his masterful technique and disquieting content, Ryden quickly became one of the leaders of a surrealistic art movement on the West coast. Mark’s limited edition etching, “Madonna and Karl,” is No. 29 out of a small edition of 40 printed and wonderfully produced by Pressure Printing. Madonna and Karl is the result of a 5-year collaboration and one-of-a-kind edition delivered in a gold frame with certificate of authenticity. More of Mark Ryden’s work can be enjoyed at www.markryden.com

Christoper Ryniak's work is at first glance, full of monsters. Upon deeper inspection his paintings are “FULL OF MONSTERS.” Chris grew up enchanted by nature and the mystique of the unknown, he uses these motifs as a way to explore the profound and not so profound moments of existence. The paintings Chris has submitted for the KNOW exhibition are studies of the life cycle and how every aspect is necessary, although not always pleasant. Chris features 4 paintings: “Tale of the Creekbed,” “Namesake,” “Scraps of the Coil” and “Dormancy.” You can view more of Chris' work at www.chrisryniak.com (Tale of the Creekbed + Namesake S)

Erik Mark Sandberg is a Los Angeles based artist who constructs complex narratives out of bits of digital bytes, painted surface, print making techniques and geometric scrawl. Erik’s unique style and oversized canvas has earned him multiple opportunities to exhibit his work. Erik’s “Girl with Lip Gloss and yellow Hair Barrett,” is a mixed media construction featuring: glitter, resin, oil and silk-screen. To see more of Erik’s prolific collection please check out www.eriksandberg.net (S)

Raudiel Sañudo painted, “Forgive Me Mother,” acrylic on paper painting that captures the essence of Mexican folklore. Or as Raudiel describes, “It’s a healthy dose of Mexican sarcasm we find charming.” Raudiel celebrates the innocence of youth, captured in the way he paints his character’s eyes. (And nothing says, "I am sorry," better than the eyes). You can check out more of Raudiel’s Mexican inspired motifs and creative goodness at www.myspace.com/raudiel

Mijn Schatje (S)

Kim Scott’s art is mostly Vanitas paintings featuring a humorous, dark and self-reflective style. Kim describes, “they lead the viewer in with honey, but once in, plant a gentle sting.” Kim’s latest painting, created for KNOW, is entitled “The Bellydancer’s New Earings.” Kim has exhibited throughout the country and is affiliated with Art Dorks, and Bienart International Surreal Arts Collective. Kim has had a one-person show at the Crocker Art Museum. You can check out more of Kim’s paintings at www.feedyoureye.com

Jeff Soto is an artist who consistently creates paintings that introduces new characters, politically charged themes and unique color palettes that offer an introspective duality in which to ponder. Jeff delivers two 8” x 8” acrylic on wood panel paintings, entitled “Earth” and “Moon.” Jeff created them to work together, as he prepares for his first museum installation, “Turning in Circles,” featured at the Riverside Art Museum in two weeks. You can see more of Jeff’s painting evolution at www.jeffsoto.com, a great place to discover his blog. Jeff has a new Limited edition book, “Storm Clouds,” that will also be available at KNOW. (Earth + Moon S)

Nathan Spoor’s compositions capture the essence of transition and growth--fluid narratives that chronicle a world filled with mystery, joy, pain and the delicate balance of personal and spiritual evolution. Nathan believes in the consistent study and harmonious balance between technique and process are critical to his own growth as an artist. “Against All Odds,” and “Echo” capture the essence of the above statements while capturing introspective concepts, personal to the artist. You can see more of Nathan’s collection at www.nathanspoor.com (Against All Odds Sold)

Matt Stallings is not a native but a currently resides in San diego. (He wanted me to tell you). “I find most of my artistic inspiration from popular culture. I believe there are multiple ways to capture and expression and emotion, and that is what I work to accomplish with a splash of comedy.” Matt’s latest portrait of man’s best friend is entitled, “Find your happy place,” and is acrylic on wood panel. You can share a smile with Matt at www.mattstallings.com (S)

David Russell Talbott’s art harkens back to the golden age of pulp illustration. David’s characters are reminiscent of those featured in hardboiled crime fiction film noire movies. His characters are made up of seemingly familiar boxers, con-artists, hit-men, and b-movie scream queens. David continues to create a body of work entitled, “American Pulpcore,” the relationships shared between society and the media during the 1940's and 1950's. Davide’s latest painting, “ The Sun Always Shines on TV” is a testament to his continued examination of this theme. Check out more of David’s work at http://davidrusselltalbott.com/

Yoko Tanaka is inspired by daily life and her inner most feelings while thinking deeply. Yoko draws upon her imagination to create dreamy, story book characters, often featured in children’s books. Yoko has exhibited throughout the world and features a new work entitled, “Departure.” Yoko commutes from her studio in Los Angeles to Bangkok, where the buffalos and goats roam just outside of where she paints day and night. Yoko’s work is dreamlike and delicate and can be found at http://yokotanaka.com/ (S)

Gary Taxali is a great assembler of Japanese and Indian inspired character images that reflect the human condition with a twist. Based in Toronto, Gary silk-screens, draws and paints on old book covers and found materials that create dimensional canvases for his work, as seen in his latest painting, “Know Way.” Gary was invited by the Whitney to create a custom toy for their museum store and continually exhibits worldwide. For a peek at more of Gary’s sculpts, paintings and mixed media pieces refer to www.garytaxali.com (S)

Peter Taylor’s work is largely about finding “balance.” Peter looks for balance in the posing of his figures and the shapes created within the posture; the balance of light and dark created by patterning cut paper and other media. The subjects of Peter’s work explore themes of joy while stretching, balancing and contorting themselves; always pushing the limits and then relaxing in a meditative posture. Peter suggests, “Sometimes I think they are enlightened and wise, but most of the time think they have found wisdom to enjoy the present, while celebrating their personal journey. They are therapeutic for me and help me find my own balance.” You can check out more of Peter’s Budha inspired collection at http://handmadefeat.com/

Jon Todd’s painting, “Doppelganger,” is a mixed media piece that displays a love for tattoos, Mexican and Asian art forms. Jon paints in Toronto, where he rummages through antique stores looking for unique frames and supplies that can be incorporated into his work. Jon has exhibited in North America, Europan and South East Asia and more of his illustrative works can be found at http://jontodd.ca/

Joe Vaux has been working as an animator and all around creative for “Family Guy,” for many years while pursuing his love for painting, simultaneously I might add. Joe’s has created two paintings entitled, “Oasis” and “A Meeting in the Mind.” “Joe portrays an updated Hieronymus Bosch style of creating half-human animals and machines. Bosh saw in his dreams he must do something to evoke fear and confusion to portray the evils of mankind. Good thinking Joe.” —James Frederick Von Warren—Check out more of Joe’s creative goodness at www.joevaux.com/

Alexei Vella is a Toronto based artist who loves Manga comics, retro inspired icons of the 50s and discarded matchbooks and packaging from a “golden” age. Alexei’s latest, “Macho Meanies Flex Their Meany Muscles,” combines his love for abstract textures and intricate colors. You can check out more of Alexei’s serigraphs and complete art collection at http://www.alexeivella.com/

Jonathan Viner is a Brooklyn, based artist, who lends his brush to the sinister side of life. Jonathan paints mysteries, and like a savory piece of fiction, his paintings plunge the viewer right smack and into the center of a conspiracy already in progress. Jonathan’s has contributed two sketches, “Sleeping Hunter” and “Disoriented Woman” (both 5 ¼” x 5 ¼”) and one oil painting on wood panel entitled, “Cheek Pinch.” To see more of Jonathan’s paintings visit, www.vinerstudio.com (Cheek Pinch S)

Marco Wagner is a German Illustrator and artist who originally studied design in Wuerzburg. Marco’s endless source of inspiration comes from his childhood, “as a very small boy, I had often felt uneasy about older people in my family, with their strange smells, wrinkles, warts and thick glasses, even though they meant me no harm. I utilize this fear in my paintings.” Marco is currently featuring a series of his “Struwwelpeter Drawings” in the Gallery Mari Jo. Marco’s piece created for KNOW is entitled, “Retter,” an 8” x 8” acrylic painting on wood panel. Check out all of Marco’s works at http://www.marcowagner.net/

Charlotte Cynthia Walton writes: “Traveling is my life, and so is art. Being able to express myself visually is the grandest blessing in my life, among other things. My care for the world is seen in the people I come into contact with daily. I approach any one no matter where they live or how remote. Art speaks kindness to those who listen, and my truth is pure love. It is this communication that has allowed me to relate to people even if I do not know there language or understand there background. Charlotte exhibits globally and her “KNOW” piece is entitled, “Conversation with my thoughts, both appose one another.” You can find more of her work at http://www.charlottecynthia.com

Gordon Wiebe’s conceptual style strikes an emotional chord, connecting with the viewer in layered levels of understanding. Humor, drama, joy and the melancholic all make an appearance in his work. Gordon’s painterly style, fragmented with collage, incorporates distinctly expressive figures into richly colored, spare landscapes, as seen in his latest, “Bather with Bird.” Visit www. gordonwiebe.com to see more of Gordon Wiebe’s colorful mixed media paintings.

Nicholas Wilton, based in Northern California, makes reference to a personal vocabulary of botanical forms, patterns and abstract designs often found in nature. Nicholas has created a rich, multi layered and textured painting entitled, “Tiger,” oil paint and beeswax on panel. Nicholas is the founder of Artplane Method, an educational program that teaches techniques and intuitive painting principles integral to the art-making process. Nicholas has had work premiered on The Oprah Winfrey Show and you can see more at http://nicholaswiltonpaintings.com/home.ph

Martin Wittfooth is a Brooklyn based artist whose paintings draw on both industrial and natural elements, often displaying an intersection and clash of those worlds. Martin’s work implores the viewer to question the status quo, to challenge that which is taken for granted, and to proceed with caution on our present course. His artwork has garnered the recognition of various art magazines and his work has been presented in galleries around the world. See more of Martin’s delicate paintings, including “Nocturne,” at www.martinwittfooth.com (S)

David Wong, “Look Into The Eye of Mongo,” is the result of his inspired diet of pop-culture TV, comic books and toys. As a result, Davey’s artwork is heavily influenced by Aurora monster model kit artist, James Bama, comic book legend, Jack "King" Kirby, Famous Monsters of Filmland artist, Basil Gogos and films by stop-motion god, Ray Harryhausen. "I try to give the viewer a visual that draws you in deep so that you get lost in the painting.” See more of Davey’s gorilla celebrations at http://www.daveywongart.com

Johnny Yanok is one part character designer, on part toy designer and one part packager. Johnny’s creative output is colorful and fun, a careful balance of Mary Blaire and Jim Flora paintings from the 40s through 60s. Johnny’s latest painting is entitled, “Huzzah!,” acrylic on wood panel. Check out all of Johnny Yanok’s work at www.johnnyyanok.com

Marco Zamora works in the same town he grew up in, Pomona, California. Marco celebrates the urban landscape and the people that inhabit it with his pens and brushes. In, “Making Moves,” Marco creates complexity within his experimental images, capturing the essence of the neighborhood, the working class who occupy it and the cultural vibe that reverberates through it. Splitting his time between painting and apparel design, Marco's work has been featured in ads for Van's and galleries up and down the west coast. Visit the urban landscape and celebrate Marco’s work at http://www.marcozamora.com/

Chet Zar has a strong interest for the darker side of art and a natural fascination with all things strange. Chet has also worked in special effects as a make up artist, designer and sculptor for the motion picture industry, designing and creating creatures and make up effects effects for such films as, "The Ring", "Hellboy", "Planet of the Apes" and the critically acclaimed music videos for the art metal band, Tool. For the last decade Zar has also embraced the digital side of special effects as well, utitlizing the computer to translate his dark vision with 3D animation for Tool’s live shows and subsequently releasing many of them on his own DVD of dark 3D animation, "Disturb the Normal." “Psychlops” continues a consistent painting collection and you can learn more by visiting http://www.chetzar.com/

View comments

  1. Fantastic company of artists! Thanks for throwing this party Mark.

  2. The work posted so far is just amazing and I can't wait to see the entire show as a whole. I am sure it will be awesome, maybe after the show you could post some show photos for people who couldn't be there to see it in person.

  3. Oh my God, what a show! So many of my favorite artists! Wish I could be there...

  4. So much different styles!
    I love it!

  5. my god this blows my head at such different levels

  6. this blowns my head at such different levels


Welcome to a mesmerizing journey into the world of Dutch artist Afra Eisma! In her U.S. solo exhibition debut, HUSH, presented by the Institute of Contemporary Art San Diego, Eisma invites us into her vibrant, dreamlike universe—a healing space woven from personal trauma, mythology, and pure imagination.

Afra Eisma (b. 1993, NL) lives and works in Den Haag, the Netherlands. She studied Fine Arts at the Royal Academy of Arts, the Hague, and Central Saint Martins, London. 

Using craft techniques in novel ways, Afra Eisma explores and manifests personal stories through immersive and intimate textiles, sculptures, and ceramics installations.

Taylor McKimens, an American artist and sculptor, is renowned for his vibrant, comic-influenced paintings and installations. Taylor grew up in Winterhaven, California, a small town near the Mexican border, where its blue-collar population significantly shaped his artistic upbringing. His Southwest desert influences are unshakable in his form of folk interpretations in his contemporary art.

Welcome to a brand-new art collection by Superflat Movement artist Mr., aka née Masakatsu Iwamoto. In this eight-minute video, you will be treated to an exhibition walk-through at the Perrotin Gallery in Los Angeles featuring Mr.’s “It Was On a Brilliant Day.” 

Mr. features a large-scale installation of his Japanese art studio, featuring paintings, drawings, sculptures, and art installations. At the time of my filming, Mr.

Taylor McKimens is an American artist and sculptor renowned for his vibrant, comic-influenced paintings and installations. His formative years in Winterhaven, California, a small town near the Mexican border, significantly shaped his artistic approach. His Southwest desert upbringing influenced his blue-collar defiance of traditional beauty norms often found in contemporary art.

Santa Fe artists Elizabeth Hayes Christopher and Scott Christopher survived a life-changing lightning strike just steps away from their art studio on what seemed to be a clear, sunny day. Against all odds, their survival became a pivotal moment, fueling their creative journey and inspiring people around the globe.

I recently released a mini-documentary, Lightning Strike, an inspirational video sharing their incredible story and exploration of art's perseverance and transformative power.

What happens when a sudden bolt from the sky changes your life forever? Lightning Strike is a powerful mini-documentary that follows the incredible journey of Santa Fe artists Elizabeth Hayes Christopher and Scott Christopher. They both defied the odds after surviving a near-fatal lightning strike—on a clear, sunny day—steps away from their art studio.

Join award-winning author and designer Mark Murphy on a historical adventure as he shares his findings about the Grapevine Canyon Petroglyphs on Spirit Mountain.

The Grapevine Canyon Petroglyphs are in Grapevine Canyon on Spirit Mountain in Nevada. In 1984, they were listed on the United States National Register of Historic Places. For thousands of years, the Mojave Indians have called this sacred place their homeland.

Award-winning book designer Mark Murphy on an outdoor hiking adventure to an ancient civilization in the Arizona desert located in the Great Bend of the Gila National Monument and initially inhabited by the ancestral Hohokam dating back to 3,000 BC. Ancient Arizona Hiking Tour with Mark Murphy

The Great Bend of the Gila, located in Arizona’s Sonoran Desert and covering more than 375,000 acres, is a site of immense historical importance.

Join award-winning book designer Mark Murphy on an outdoor hiking adventure to an ancient civilization on the Pacific Crest Trail in San Diego County, California. Get ready as we hike to Eagle Rock.

Please like, subscribe, and join the channel @murphydesign to enjoy more outdoor adventures, artist interviews, and inspirational videos.

Eagle Rock is a 6.3-mile out-and-back hike along the Pacific Crest Trail that delivers an 856-foot elevation gain.

Baseball, Art, and Dreams by Scott Christopher is a grand slam book for baseball literature.

How was that for a creative first pitch? The following blog entry is a brief introduction to a new book and experience written by a wild and illuminated character in baseball.
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Mark Murphy is a creative director with extensive collaborative experience in marketing, design and public relations. Graphic design experience includes concept development, packaging, and promotion. Artistic endeavors include book design, curators of gallery and museum exhibitions, art making, collecting, and archiving world-class artists of our time.
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